Monday, June 09, 2008


If you like the movie Amelie, watch A Very Long Engagement, by the same director Jean-Pierre Jeunet and starring the very same Audrey Tautou. The movie has the same whimsical story telling and characters. Maybe there were too many characters, maybe the ending was too feel-good... can such a movie ever end badly? but it was sweet and heart felt.

So guess what i watched tonight? :-)


Anonymous said...

It's an awesome movie. I should see it again. Jeunet is a great director. Have you seen Delicatessen? Highly recommended. And Jeunet also directed Alien 4! I was surprised when I found out. Didn't expect it.

Kanmi the Conqueror said...

You watch... Altaviso playing DotA :D

styx said...


Anywhoo, I know I saw this movie, but I don't know why I don't remember the ending. I am not sure I was impressed by Jeunet's last offering... although it is still better than Alien 4.

And yes, it is obvious that Jeunet directed Alien 4! The cast and the scenery are all from La cite des Enfants Perdus.


juanton said...

I haven't seen Alien 4. :)

juanton said...

or 1 or 2 or 3 or 5 ...

A Fly on the Wall said...

i can't remember how good alien 4 was, but aliens (alien 2) was the best. they're actually a pretty good series..

JuanMa/Juanito said...

wasn't it the first alien the very best,? and the third one was pretty scary.

Anonymous said...

I think I was also slightly disappointed with this movie and you're right , it was the ending. Somehow the boy surviving and having amnesia was just too... "perfect". Definitely the movie's mood would have changed if it didn't have a happy ending, but maybe it would have been deeper or .. I don't know. The movie followed so much tragedy (esp the last when the other lady is executed and finds out too late what her lover had wished for her..) and suddenly you have this happy and unrealistic ending.

A Fly on the Wall said...

Btw the guy was really cute!!! :-P

Gillen xx said...

was it actually a happy ending though - they didn't run into each others arms...he may have turned around and told her to get is up to your own imagination!

A Fly on the Wall said...

he was cutting it pretty close.... i am pretty sure no one can resist Audrey.... :-P