Friday, June 26, 2009

Engineer @ Work

Keep back, keep back.

This engineer is at work...
chaos? check.
mayhem? check.

One of the crazy things that happened on our trip to PA last week was that our GPS started acting crazy and saying that it wasn't charging up. So as we were crossing NYC, A and I kept turning the GPS off in hopes of preserving some battery life.
Anyhow so yesterday i started wondering why the GPS was not working and I thought the problem must be in the adaptor. So I was playing around with the prongs and one of the side prongs fell out! I put it back in the way i thought it would go in but nothing happened... so i was thinking hmmm i wonder...
next thing i realize is that my clock display was no longer working!

Sooo.. I am thinking that I either busted a fuse (hopefully!!) or shorted that section of the electric circuit in the car.

OMG for 2 reasons:
(1) I broke the car
(2) No GPS!!!
I think (2) is almost a catastrophe for me!!

Please stop this engineer from "helping out" again!


jeerjeerak said...

A Fly on the Wall said...


Gillen xx said...

you know my feelings about GPS!You CAN live without it!