Monday, April 16, 2007

A Gem in South Park

Seriously is South Park just improving and improving?!! The new episode of South Park called D-Yikes, making fun of the movie 300. Oh there was so much to laugh about - so many different layers! I am too sleepy to write about it - tomorrow. But make sure you watch it. It has to do with mostly Persians and then there are some mexicos and their eses. :-P Si si. and the persians and their gucci's.


styx said...

But you see? There is no physical difference between hispanics and iranians... only in their clothes! :-P

Kanmi the Conqueror said...

Eso Eso Eso Eso.

300 RULZ



jeerjeerak said...

I laughed when they suggested to dress the mexicans in silk shirts and Rayban glasses! I have a German friend here that says you can distinguish iranians by the fact that they are overdressed for any occasion :D

styx said...

why do we assume they were Mexicans? True, Cartman calls them Mexicans, but he is known for generalizing, so all hispanics to him will look Mexican :-P