Sunday, April 15, 2007


Last night my friends and I played charades - it was so much fun! I love these kinds of games, just hanging out and playing games. I get so competitive with them!! I got one phrase which I found very difficult to act out: "Once Upon A Time". How do you do that one?!!
I think I need to create a group for people who want to get together once a week and play different kinds of games, like cards or charades or ... But how do i advertise for such a thing? "Wanted: Playmates!" Please apply!

Btw except for the ultra cool music of kiosk which i have been listening to non-stop for the past week, I have been trying to find a nice version of "Sway" which is the English version of "Quien Sera". Surely Dean Martin or someone like that sang it well. Anyone know? what about the spanish version? Does anyone know a nice version of it? Here is an instrumental version that I found. And here is the american idol version from last week - which I really liked. Which reminds me... they had a latin theme last week and guess who they had as their latino representative? oh yes, taco taco, burrito! :-P Ms J.Lo. (I hope you all got the South Park reference!). Anyway is she really a good representative I ask you? Didn't someone mention she doesn't even speak Spanish very well... although maybe all that hanging out with senor Marc Anthony has improved it. Anyway i don't know why I am giving her a hard time. May be it's also because not only is she not that big a latina but also she is not that big a singer!! So this is what happens when i don't miss out on watching american idol. I usually miss it because I am at my flamenco class.

Btw, this was really funny - a comic about World of Warcraft. It kind of reminds me of the South Park episode. Hil-arious. :-P


styx said...

A quick search showed this clipped spanish version:

I couldn't find any other version for free... however iTunes has at least 20 different versions of "quien sera" for $0.99 I particularly liked the version of Lisa Ono :-) and hated the one of Pedro Fernández.

styx said...

another free version:

jeerjeerak said...

Count me in for charades!

Gillen xx said...

Boobs (i.e. Michael Buble) has a version that I quite like....may not be up to your high standards! I am making a collection of Australian music for you, but no Sway on it though!