Thursday, April 05, 2007

When you are sick...

the world seems dim somehow. You really miss being in the bosom of your family. You miss someone hugging you and giving you energy. You miss being fussed over by someone. You miss having someone bring you medicine or drink or food or whatever when you are lying in bed and are too weak and tired and sick to move.
When you are sick... when I am sick, this is my world.
I have a cold :-(


Kanmi the Conqueror said...

On the bright side, you can skip school and stay home playing games all day :D

Embrace your sickness

jeerjeerak said...

Oh Poor you.
Make yourself a flask of hot water, so that you don't need to go back and forth to the kitchen. Add honey and lemon to it and it makes a good drink for cold.

styx said...

Get lots of rest, take some tylenol night and catch up with all those episodes of southpark jeerjeerak sent!