Monday, February 05, 2007

Three Original Cats

In my recent trip to Australia I had occasion to meet three weird and wonderful cats.

The first I would like to introduce is the cat of Mitra, a persian khepel (fatso!), whose hair is so long that it needs regular grooming. While Mitra and Daniel were away, his poor hair didn't get brushed and so it got all tangled and knotted so they had to shave him!! So here you see him with his body shaved and a full head of hair!

The second, is the wonderful and old cat of our friend Susan - the poor thing has osteoporosis - so last year when he tried to jump down from a relatively short cabinet, it broke his leg. :-( his leg ended up having to be removed so now he is a three legged cat. It was quite interesting watching him hobble around. Susan takes such good care of him.
This cat also reminds me a lot of our own cat, Misha. I can't find a nice pic of her right now. I'll upload it some other time.

Finally this is a garden cat. It is so cute that I had to take a photo of him. or maybe it's a her. Anything this cute has to be a her right? :-D


Kanmi the Conqueror said...

That's shaved? Im confused.

Sorry about the poor 3-leg cat. But hopefully it seems is with a good family.

Best of lucks to all kitties in the world :D

A Fly on the Wall said...

yup the body is shaved... well shaved as in close shaved not completely!