Thursday, September 06, 2007

Chasers in Trouble

If you don't know who the Chasers are.. well, they are a satirical show in Australia and they have a War on Everything!
Recently they were on the news when they penetrated the $250M security of APEC being held in Sydney.
The show is hilarious - watch the following:

and then there is this one:

Btw - here are two more Maz Jobrani clips - the iranian comedian. He is SOOOO funny!!!
Clip 1 and Clip 2


Kanmi the Conqueror said...

The one you first posted of the Iraninan comedian was the best. I've seen some others of him, still funny, but not as funny.

So... are you making a cookie? :P

styx said...

that program is very funny :-)