Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Nikola Tesla

Recently the hubby and I watch the movie The Prestige with Wolverine and Batman. In the movie, Wolverine contacted Nikola Tesla to build him a teleportation machine. Now as any physicist or engineer will tell you, Tesla is a name that is regularly heard in relation to magnetic fields and AC current. But I thought to myself, "how did Tesla get involved in the movie and the whole idea of teleportation? Why did the directors think of Tesla?".

After reading the following article, it all became clear! I knew Tesla invented AC current but wow - he invented so much!! and it seems he was famous for running currents thru his body to light up bulbs. Many argue that his work was much more important that that of Edison and yet the latter won is credited with more. Also there is some debate whether Tesla invented radio waves or it was really Marconi who is considered to be the father of wireless communication.
And then there was Tesla's idea of sending waves thru the earth (so called terrestrial waves) to maybe light up every part of the earth? :-) was he responsible for a huge explosion in siberia?

He seems to have been an amazing inventor.

I recommend reading this article to get an idea. It doesn't require any background knowledge and then you will see why he is the man :-) Also a lot of things that are referenced in the movie now make sense!

1 comment:

styx said...

Because Tesla and Edison had the same rivalry as the two magicians :-P