Thursday, March 26, 2009

Test of Luck

This story on BBC is a true testament to serious bad luck or good luck! or both!
This guy survived both atomic bombs in WW2. He is from Nagasaki but was in Hiroshima on business the day it was hit. So he survived H and then went back to N to have to survive N!!
If you think about it for a sec, it blows your mind.
Atlanta and I were talking about this and trying to come up with similarly bad lucked scenarios. He mentioned during 9/11, escaping one tower to go into the other one after the first is hit.

Are my examples in bad taste? Possibly. At least when i put up this story in facebook, someone wrote me immediately saying there are people who find both topics offensive. But why? How would either the real story or my silly analogy offend anyone? The stories are supposed to have good endings. and they are devastating disasters which had many victims, but does that mean we cannot talk about them at all? Isn't talking about these things better because they keep them more alive in mind?
So although I disagreed with the email that I received, I still took down the story and instead i put it up here. But I am interested in what people think about this issue.
Or if you have any other funny (but sad) analogies!


Kanmi the Conqueror said...

Who would have run to the other tower? That scenario doesn't make sense, maybe people took it as you were just making fun of it and thus felt offended.

As a grad student, we might have to be in one lab till it runs out of money... and then the second one same story :D

A Fly on the Wall said...

the people in the first tower run to the second tower but they survive both. That would be the analogy with the atomic bomb story.
The grad std story doesn't make sense because there is no happy ending!! :-P
The happy ending is crucial you see.

You're right that the twin tower story might not be the most PC, but i don't think my story was making fun of anyone. Just like the Hiroshima thing doesn't make fun of the poor victims of the bombings, rather it is ironic that coincidentally you experience both extreme disasters and yet you survive. Same thing with the twin tower.
However i do realize it is a sensitive topic.

Kanmi the Conqueror said...

My story has a happy ending... you quit grad school, get a job make money start a family buy a boat etc :D

A Fly on the Wall said...

what??? "get money, start a family , buy a boat..." dude you have chnaged!! I thought you would say buy video games and play all day! ;-)

We had two great nights playing with our clan in the last couple of days. LOVED it! Can't wait till you join our clan! :-)

Gillen xx said...

A story that does not have a happy ending but illustrates double bad luck:

Poor bastard!