Sunday, November 12, 2006

Brinda's take on Borat

Below is a kind of review of Borat by Brinda :-) I am beginning to believe I might have had the wrong ideas about Borat...
Brinda's comment about tolerance of US is very interesting though.


I went and watched the movie - and came out thinking a fwe things

- The movie is not about Kazakhistan - its more about the US of A. The Kazakh journalist persona - is a ruse - and I think that if a viewer thinks that it is representative of Kazakhistan - then its really unfortunate ...

- He did poke fun at anti-semitism , homophobia and just at a lot of people

- Also despite all or some flaws in America - you realize how immensely tolerant it actually is ... especially the unscripted parts of the movie - I was trying to place it in another country - and you realize that it pretty much couldnt have happened anywehere else!

I even found the crowd at the movie theatre very interesting - cos it was a varied demographic - an dpeople were laughing at it all - even when it pokes fun at parts of who they are!

I was just wondering though if he could have gotten away with his pranks if he was not a white guy ...

My 2 cents..


Btw I ended up reading a couple of interesting review of Borat here at metacritic. It has a score of 89. Gosh darn it, I hate to be wrong.. especially when i have been so vocal about it :-P

1 comment:

JuanMa/Juanito said...

hmm it is too well reviewed. But I haven't lol seen any previews.

Did you guys saw him on the daily show?