Thursday, April 19, 2007


You know I have been feeling weird since writing that post last night - does it seem that I am not being sympathetic enough for the Virginia massacre? Because I am - I think it was horrible. I am a very good candidate for knowing how horrible the loss of a loved one is and how terrible a time is spent trying to cope and make sense of it all. The loss of any human life is tragic, full stop. And comparing tragedies is wrong I know but it is massacres like the one on Monday that should remind us how horrible and tragic the situation in Iraq is. Can anyone make sense of the loss of 171 lives in one day? the number of people that are effected because the dead in Iraq also have families and friends. But since we are removed from the situation, we don't think about it. Here we see pictures of the families and friends of the affected, we see people grieving because of what could have been but fortunately wasn't, alumni of Virginia Tech that are grieving simply because of the shooting happening in their school. We are witness to this and we realize the magnitude of the horror. Can anyone say we are realizing the horror happening over in Iraq? and iraq is just an example country - think of Darfur, Palestine/Israel, Somalia, etc. Why is it that we prefer to change the channel to Friends, than watch what is going on over there? because we are responsible for them?

I don't understand the world - I know that if I turned on the TV and only watched all the bad things happening around the world, I would become very depressed - we need to see the beauty around us and the hope and the joy but we need to do it in an informed way. Then and only then do we end up really appreciating the beauty, the hope that we have and the wonder of it all.

Probably it's time I get off my soap box, but the inequality in the world is tragic.

One human life is not worthier than another.

Ignoring it and turning a blind eye on it is a crime itself.


jeerjeerak said...

Beautifully said. But my dear, this is the bitter observation, an american life is considered more worthy than others.

Anonymous said...

Ah! why can't I comment in the first post? Anyways, znoina is Juan Antonio!!

Kanmi the Conqueror said...

Yeah, whats up with that of not being able to comment on first post??

Juan Antonio is playing? I was wondering who znoina was... I'll stikc to put my full name now that another Juan is arround... though I guess all Juan pwns regardless :P