Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Easter and Bunnies

Tonight I watched the funniest episode of South Park - it was a parody of The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. I don't know how much of the episode to reveal but basically Stan questions the meaning of Easter (ie the resurrection of Jesus) and its relation to the tradition of coloring eggs and the easter bunny and then he finds out about this secret society called the ... hmm - I was about to reveal all the info! suffice it to say the morale of this story is that the Pope should not really be head of the church (not this pope, but any pope) and that they should not tell people or Christians how to live. Very nice message.
It always amazes me that those who are most religious cannot understand that religion is a personal thing and cannot be forced upon people. Who are they to dictate the word of God. Religion ideally should be spiritual, something that is felt within, something that you want to do yourself. Why is there this institution? Why is there a pope, an imam? why is Judaism a race?

I was listening recently to the radio and they were saying that Pope Benedict was pushing for the sainthood of Pope John Paul to be ordained. It seems that recently and especially in the time of Pope JP, there was an explosion in the number of people who were sainted - especially in their own countries. The idea was (is) that people relate better with contemporary saints. Therefore... Do you know why they claim Pope JP is a saint? because a nun who had parkingson's disease, said she and her fellow nuns prayed to Pope JP and then she was cured. She didn't want to call it a miracle, but... the church should call it that!! Seriously does this make sense? If JP needs to be distinguished because of his actions, say that. Why bring in the idea of holiness, especially when this holiness is given by fellow men, for this is how a pope is chosen right?
Anyway, the bottom line is that why the whole idea of sainthood? why is does religion like the classist way of life? Shouldn't all men be equal?


Kanmi the Conqueror said...

HOLY MOLLY ... takes someone like you to make the Pope sound like a Facist iron fist dictatorship.
Probably the choice of word... but dictate!! how we are suppose to live?
I think he is mostly regarded as his name states, a father.
He does fill the role of a leader, but leading by example, and trying to live as close to whatever message he sees fit. (Cause I think JP and the current pope differ greatly on how they are doing this)
I don't deny there is some burocracy in the religion that states some laws on what a certain follower should be, but I won't be going arround saying Pope shouldn't exist, and is just makes no sense.
Some people will look for someone to guide them, they choose whoever they think would be the best.
Some suggest the pope and so he is chosen.

The term race serves to distinguish between populations or groups of people based on different sets of characteristics which are commonly determined through social conventions -from Wiki.
So I guess under that definition followers of Judaism is a race.

Your last paragraph is even more confusing.
I did heard about giving JP sainthood but I don't think he got it yet. I forgot how that works but I know its difficult... I remember that for Mother Teresa of Calcutta was a looooong strugle to make her a saint.
And what is wrong with this distinction? She did an amazing job, a lot of people should follow it.
So not really sure what you want to say on the last paragraph, but a sainthood is tough to get, and I don't see anything wrong by acknowledge someone works by giving him the saint name, It seems like you are asking me what is the whole idea of a NOBLE prize??? Why do people like to congratulate others in their own way, some extraordinary deeds???? I don't get it.

OH and NO, man are not equal... if GOD would wants us equal we would all be clones. But like 2 millions years ago some horny cells decide to stop dividing by simply creating copy of themselves, and went nuts and had sex with others. Giving us more variability and ending equality.
It was pre marital sex, but that was before Jesus came and forgive everyones past sins.So its all good.

Hehe, another looong post, thanks for stupid fire alarms going at 4am, and me being unable to sleep.
Allright, let the controversy BEGIN.

A Fly on the Wall said...

Wow.. such vitriol!! but seriously let me just say first off that I didn't mean to insult any Christians out there by this post. Just some of my thoughts, provoked by last night's episode of South Park and simply fueled by recent events. Christianity just got picked religion-du-jour simply for those reasons. Don't even get me started on the meaninglessness of a government like Iran's where you are forced to do somethings even if you don't believe in them.

Ok so there were two points in my post.
(1) religion is a personal thing. It is something you feel inside (if you feel it) and it can't be forced upon you. I didn't mean that the Vatican is trying to be `dictators' borrowing the term from you. Obviously many millions of people love their presence. But in my belief when we simply look up to someone or something, we tend to become myopic and lose sight of other perspectives. There is a fine balance here that must be adhered to and I don't think the existence of a body as powerful as the Vatican for instance provides that balance. If you simply seek guidance, look at Jesus or Mohammad or the prophets or even the disciples. Do you know what the point of last night's episode was? that man is corruptible and should not be the leader of the church - Jesus chose a rabbit to be pope because it was pure. which starts me off on the next point...

(2) saints perform miracles - if something was good, give them a noble prize of goodness. Don't try to find some `miracle' and raise their status from simple man. Isn't more amazing when you are simple man and are this good? This is where the myopic-ness comes in again - does the 'miracle' of that nun even make sense? from a logical point of view - I can pray to the candle in my room and if accidentally my prayer comes true, I can say because i prayed to them, then they must be holy?? This is what i don't understand. Why this quest into making the good holy?

Kanmi the Conqueror said...

What is vitriol, and religion-du-jour ... damn I have to go and google this to keep up the discussion, BRB.

However I still think is good to raise there status from simple man. It is like achieving enlightenment . It is because it was THAT amazing that this men have become saints... you can do it too.

yes yes, the nun miracle leaves a lot to be desired, But I encourage to go on for a quest to make That person you admire for all his goodness, to become holy.
Kinda like how your husband keeps trying to describe you in this awesome over-the-top way, to give us an image of not only how GOOD you are but even BETTER than anything good right now.( He has his flaws in the reasoning he uses, but you might be glad he is thinking that way) It is someones way to try and make you see him the way you did.
And yeah I would look for a better miracle, but Keep the quest alive, Turn JP into holy, several people would be really glad.

jeerjeerak said...

Ok, ok, I am "mooch" [do you know the word, it's in farsi!:)], I just wanted to say dokhtar jan, this is not the way the game is played. You recommend something, you provide the link to it as well. How am I supposed to find that episode of the cartoon you mentioned? Hah? Given that it will be my first southpark to watch...

A Fly on the Wall said...

mooch?!! I have no idea what that means!! %-) are you sure it is farsi? :-P

but seriously the episode last night was a new one so I am not sure when it will be avaialbel for everyone.. actually go to
they have a little bit about it. It is the Easter Egg episode. :-)

Kanmi the Conqueror said...

Here They have several, I haven't watch all of them, ... is the episode u mention one of them??
What is the title?

A Fly on the Wall said...

fantastic easter special is the title.

jeerjeerak said...

I found it, courtesy of anther southpark fan:

jeerjeerak said...

I am mooch, is an expression used in kids outdoor plays. when you say you're mooch it means that you're temporarily on a break and not in the game.