Monday, August 27, 2007

The Falling Towers

Isn't weird how sometimes dreams can be so real and vivid with so much detail? It makes me really wonder at our definition of reality and how many worlds there are that we are not aware of.

Last night I had a very vivid dream which was kind of a re-enactment of the collapse of the twin towers. Only this time, it was thunder and lightening (i think) which destroyed the handful of towers. My family and I lived in one of the floors of one of the towers, high up. We found out there was going to be a disaster which could potentially destroy the buildings and the land around us. Everyone was trying to think of where to hide to survive the disaster - a lot happened in my dream which i can't recall precisely, for example, me and some other people going to the top of the building thinking that might be the safest spot. (I know that doesn't seem logical!). In the end, disaster struck in the form of a lot of lightening - the first tower got hit and we saw that the damage was much worst than we expected - the tower started crumbling down. We knew that the chances of us surviving was really low if our building got struck. But then our tower got struck and the building started burning from outside to in. In the last few moment of my dream I was huddling with the rest of my family in a room and i could feel the fire around us and as the temperature was increasing, I remember wondering how fast we were going to die and i kept hoping i would not feel anything.
And then i woke up.

What a dream.

1 comment:

jeerjeerak said...

what a dream...

you know what, i kinda like the moment after you wake from such dreams. Those first few seconds. And that feeling of extreme relief, while your heart is still pounding.