Saturday, October 06, 2007

New Roomate

The main change in my life recently has been the addition of a housemate for me! (why is it we call them roommates when they are actually housemates??)
Since styx moved away (whom i miss a lot! =), I've been living on my own in a big two bedroom condo. The place is nice, but it got very lonely. and sometimes when there was noises in the night, scary. It was esp lonely because i didn't really have a lot of interactions with people at uni.
Anyway since about 3 weeks ago the lovely Brooke moved in with me. Well actually she was an old roommate whose husband has gone AWOL and so we are once again roommates. It is lovely coming home to someone else in the house. We end up talking a lot and having lots of nice discussions about everything, ranging from politics to personal. And the other nice thing is that sometimes we cook for each other. It is such a pain when you live by yourself to first cook a proper meal and then to sit down for a proper meal.
So it has been lovely having her around. ^_^


jeerjeerak said...

...and why doesn't my google reader show your new posts??? i came here to say "long time no see" and there you are with 3 posts!!!

styx said...

You should show her this post... the same way you are showing her my posts!! (how embarrasing :-P)