Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The store took my baby!!

ok so they took it with my blessing. And ok, so my baby macbook needed to get a face lift. But still.... the store ate my baby! (did i say ate? :-P)
The front of my macb00k case got cracked a while ago for no apparent reason - seems that this is a common event. I patched it up with a sticky tape and waited until a time when I couldn't convince myself that I didn't NEED the macbook for my work. The time arrived last friday when i finished this report and had to wait for feedback and read papers. So I had to go... and they took it without any question. Once it was taken i realized what a dumkomf i am! I hadn't backedup my data.... Not without my backup!
Anyway they are supposed to get back to me today - lets see how long I will have to do without my baby.


Kanmi the Conqueror said...

For a sec there I thought you were making reference to one of the scariest moments in Doom 3!!!


styx said...

Not without my laptop!

jeerjeerak said...

when are you coming to chicago?

Kanmi the Conqueror said...

EEEWWWW you going to Chicago?!?!?!

A Fly on the Wall said...

@ Conqueror: what scary moment in doom??? please explain!

@ styx: you got my puns!! no wonder we are so well matched! :-*

@ jeerjeerak: patience my little grasshopper! the arrival of the dark knight will mark my arrival...

(this is doubly funny as jeerjeerak is grasshopper in farsi!)
(if you don't understand, google! ;-)

@ Conqueror: see above.

Kanmi the Conqueror said...

There is one memorable hallway, when you keep hearing a baby cry.
A voice then whisper to you
"They took my baby"
Sounds of a women crying merge with the baby crying.

If you are playing at midnight with 5.1 sorround.... I had to wash my pants afterwards :P

jeerjeerak said...

no! grasshopper is "malakh", i'm cricket!

btw, My conqueror! there is no "ew" about Chicago!;)

Kanmi the Conqueror said...

OH :P The eww wasn't against Chicago :P

The eeww was at sis-in-law proximity :D

I love ya sis-in-law

<^.^> hugs

A Fly on the Wall said...

My bad! What kind of farsi do i know?? cereally!
Or maybe i should call you malakh khanoom :-P

As for Kanmi, he LIVES in chicago! or close by anyway! Can't wait to see you both! :-D

When is the dark knight coming???

jeerjeerak said...

your farsi is very good deary:)

and in that case, you guys have to come and visit the brother-in-law (I come as a free bee) more often!;)