Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Own interpretation

Just a Little Rain
(Malvina Reynolds)

Just a little rain falling all around
The grass lifts its head to the heavenly sound
Just a little rain, just a little rain
What have they done to the rain?

Just a little boy standing in the rain
The gentle rain that falls for years
And the grass is gone and the boy disappears
And the rain keeps falling like helpless tears
And what have they done to the rain?

Just a little breeze out of the sky
The leaves nod their heads as the breeze blows by
Just a little breeze with some smoke in its eye
And what have they done to the rain?

When i first read the lyrics of this song, I thought they were so gentle and beautiful and sad and magical.
In fact, the imagery that it evoked was nothing like what it was really about. It was actually written as part of a campaign to stop nuclear testing in the atmosphere, which was producing fall-out. Similarly here is how the song by the Searchers sounds. This is an instance when my own imagination did a much better job of interpreting the song.
What did you guys think?


jeerjeerak said...

link to the song?

A Fly on the Wall said...

you can hear the song by watching the video! :-) i didn't find an mp3 of it anywhere.