Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Grave of the Firefly

Last night we watched the movie Grave of the Firefly, an old (1988) anime. It was an amazing movie, it played with your heart strings like a virtuoso. It is the story of the survival of a brother and a sister, made orphan by the firebombing of Kobe during WWII. I don't want to give away any spoilers, so I don't know how much to write and what to say. Something I liked about it a lot was how nothing was totally good, and similary nothing was totally bad. Actually the only bad thing is war. I don't want to give away the ending but once you finish watch it, i recommend wiki'ing it and finding out more about the author of the story and the semi-autobiographical aspect of it.
Here is a trailer for the movie:

and here is a review of it by Roger Ebert with some interesting views.

ps now I have two favourite shows with the term firefly in them!


Kanmi the Conqueror said...

Did you watch the extras on the DVD?
How the bombing were taken place?

styx said...

Our DVD didn't have extras :-(

Kanmi the Conqueror said...


So much for Berkeley >.>