A living nightmare.... Action!
Last night I had a really stressful and scary dream. Ajax and I lived in a small unit in a motel like building where we were attending a summer school of some kind. I started thinking that someone was stalking me. On multiple occasions, there was someone in a car just watching the house. One day I came home and realized someone had been through the house. This happened again. The guy watching the house was still watching.I think they had taken something small from the bedroom. One night when Ajax was away, I realized that someone was again watching the house but there were two people in the car. I turned off all the lights but then i decided to come back and make sure all the windows are closed. I noticed one which had been used by the bad people to come in. There was another window that was stuck and refused to close. Meanwhile I was so scared you wouldn't believe. One of the bad guys (the third person which turned out to be a girl) came towards the house and was looking in thru the windows and calling out to me. I kept trying to turn off lights but there was always one light which was on so they could see me. Finally I though I had closed eveything and decided to go to bed (although i was too scared to sleep). Just as I was sleeping, I realized they were at it again so i decided to call 911 but the home phone kept dialing wrong and cell phone's battery was exhausted. I was sure that the stalkers had done something to mess up with my systems. As I am scrambling to use attach my cell phone to the charger and dial 911 -- this one works --- the door opened and all these zombies/people attacked. I never managed to tell the operator what was wrong but i started screaming and i think i half fainted. The operator was speaking calmly and started talking to the attackers who then decided not to attack, esp since they seemed to be actors! It turned out that this whole thing had been a movie production and I was the star except they wanted me to have honest reactions so they decided not to tell me and just let me go thru all, giving real emotion. Afterwards I got totally pissed off because i was so scared and so horrified. I wouldn't authorize them to use my pictures so their whole endeavour was wasted but they kept trying to get me to change my minds.
What a dream huh. No a nightmare becuase i was so scared through it. A dream in three acts: stalk, attack, the next day. I know i am missing a lot of details of the dream but I am pretty impressed i remember this much and in such detail.
Wow, that was a detailed dream. It reminded me that last night I also had a dream where someone broke into my house. I was with my father and my brother in my house in Co. and I noticed that the power cord for my computer was moving. When I followed the power cord I noticed there was someone in the roof of the house pulling the cord. I tried to pull the cord back so they wouldn't steal it, but then they decided to break in. I can't remember the dream after that. :-P
Yeah, that is impressive. I can't recall that much of dreams, and if it involves someone breaking in or harming me, I usually wake up at that moment. I never have a "The next day", I just wake up.
Allow me to dreamweave:
I think the interview processes are getting to you....are you perhaps feeling like the companies want to know a little too much about you (perhaps the interviewers are represented by the stalkers)? That you are made to jump through hurdles and solve problems and go all of the stress and anxiety of applications and interviews only to find that it is all a charade and you won´t get the job anyway (a bit like it is all just play acting and they all know it and you are the only schmo who is not in on the joke)! Stressful times = stressful dreams!
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