Monday, March 05, 2007

Subtlety.... Not for the faint hearted!

"Thought you might appreciate the subtlety of this ad, done by a Brazilian ad agency, for a lubricating gel (K-Y equivalent) targeting the French market. They were trying to come up with an ad that is not offensive or tasteless. The picture looks completely innocent until you notice the details... Oh, my God. Look carefully at the details. Apparently, it has created quite a buzz in Europe."

Look away, look away I tells you...


Unknown said...

Which ad? And I thought you were going to add a middle ages history course. There I can contribute :-P And why can't I log in as styx!!!

jeerjeerak said...

I was about to leave a comment that i didn't get it, but ... o' m y g o o d n e s s!

btw, any news from DC's New Year events? I'll be there in 2 weeks:)

A Fly on the Wall said...

Alvaro A what are you talking about?? The ad is the picture! :-) and I never said anything about a course on middle ages history, I said just some notes about this program i watched... do you actually listen to what i say? :-P

Kanmi the Conqueror said...

OK, I'm too innocent I guess, can't tell what are those details you talk about.

what am I missing? who is going to explain?

styx said...

Yes I am totally confused.
-I do not see any picture!
-notes about a program is a euphemism for history course
-why is jeerjeerak saying o' my goodness?
-Which details is Kanmi the Conqueror talking about?

At least my pseudonim is back!

A Fly on the Wall said...

Juan, think what the ads is for and then look at the scene to see what should be where the girl is sitting...
and if that still doesn't help, ask your brother!! I am too shy! :-P

Kanmi the Conqueror said...


But was that all? Did you exagerated the buzz that is causing in Europe?

Anyway she is clearly sitting closer to us.