Friday, March 30, 2007

To Tell or Not to Tell...

To tell or not tell your friends about your blog... that is the question! The moment you tell people, you are limiting what you can write in your blog. It is no longer anything that you feel, anything that you do. Now you think about what people (the ones that you know that they know and the ones that you think they know but maybe they don't check!) who read your blog will think about a post, about what you write. You can no longer really get personal and write about what you think and you dream and you feel, because you might not want others to know or you might not like their response to your blog. Oh and you can definitely not write and complain about someone in your audience! What to do, what to do!?

Not telling people really doesn't solve the problem either. Half the fun in my posts are finding out people's reactions to these topics, what they think and what they contribute. It is the interaction that is fun, else I might as well keep a diary at home.

So it is a Catch-22. You're doomed if you do, and doomed if you don't.
For you game theoretic people out there, what is optimal strategy here?


Mirror Polisher said...

Don't tell, don't tell!!!!

I recently lost my very best friend over this same issue.

Or if you tell, stick to subjects that won't hurt anyone's feelings.

I am thinking of starting a new blog without telling anyone I know.

A Fly on the Wall said...

Hi Magical droplets :-)

but wouldn't you miss the comments if you start a new blog? I used to have a blog and i would never get feedback and it gets kind of lonely after a while...

Mirror Polisher said...

True, as you said without any comments it would be like keeping a private diary.

But by not relieving your identity, you gain a mask from behind which you you can rant and rave about anything you like.

Would you believe that so many times I couldn't publish one of my posts coz I remembered that so and so has the link and could be hurt or misunderstand.

A Fly on the Wall said...

true true...
the thing which I miss most is being able to write about really personal things - like a bad dream or I don't know. Now I think do I really want people to know my very deepest thoughts? Not because they can misunderstand but maybe because they might understand me too much. I am not sure if I want people to know all of me, all of my thoughts.

The best thing would have been if your readers were people you didn't know - like you and me. But then again it is very difficult to get these kinds of readers as regulars. For example how did you find me? :-)
anyway regular readers you don't know are the best because you can pour out your heart and then not worry that you will see them face to face in two day's time!! :-P

Mirror Polisher said...

So, it's settled then, I will definitely start another blog. Thanks.

How did I find you? Well, I was bored stiff at work and was in no mood to work. So I started surfing, came across an Iranian blog; a link lead me to another blog, another link to another blog, and then another, and then another, finally came across yours. Can't remember which blog had your link.