Wednesday, December 05, 2007

One More Day

Mitch Albom, the author of Tuesdays With Morrie a really great book, has another book out called For One More Day - about a man who is granted his wish of spending one more day with his mother who had passed away.

The concept is interesting and it touches on something I thought about for some time, a while back - I used to wonder if you could somehow communicate with the dead, who would you pick and what would you say. In the case of the movie, i guess you can spend a day with them but the same basic idea. Btw the initial idea came from watching an episode of this reality show about a medium that could contact the spirit world.
So, anyhow, who would it be? and what would you say?

You know, it's interesting to me, but i don't know. Is there a point of being granted one day, one conversation? Probably, 95% of people, would pick someone they loved, and tell them they love them and they were sorry. For some reason or other. And maybe simply hug them and try to absorb them into your body. I don't know. Probably I would be thinking too much that I will once again be bereft of their presence at the end of the day, the hour. Getting used to them gone might hurt too much!
Probably what i would really want to know if there is a hope that you will re-unite with them in the future.

But it's funny, you think it is a simple question, but I really don't find it simple. Or am I over thinking it? %-)

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