Wednesday, May 02, 2007


I feel like it has been a long time since I wrote anything meaningful in my blog. And there has been a lot of different things going on. Well, maybe not a lot, but enough.

First of all, I am pretty disappointed that I will have to miss two of my high school friends wedding - they're getting married to each other and we have been waiting such a long time for these two to finally decide the timing is right. I don't know, for me the timing was right a long time ago!! Wouldn't you say so Chris? :-) My friends J and D are so well suited to each other it is crazy - one of those couples that you see and think ok this is the way it should be. Unfortunately (fortunately??!) i have to go to a conference in England at that time and well the distance from Aus to England is too much for the one day between the wedding and the conference start date. Isn't that funny? well not funny ha ha, but crazy that the distance is still too far. And then salt on my wounds, I find out that a bunch of our other friends from Smithy will be there as well, and I would have loved to catch up with them... As time passes, the more I want to hang on to the threads of my past. The more I value them.

Have to run - the other things will be said later alligator!

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