Sunday, October 15, 2006

Dig me!

oh this is hilarious! I posted a comment on digg and of course now I keep going back to it to see how diggs and buries I have. I am following my real time!
Come on, dig me!!! :-P

Btw there was another article on digg about how stephen hawking will be starring in his own documentary about the big bang - they call it a movie. Anyway the comments were hilarious! immature but hilarious! some where:
- What's the point. Just get Microsoft Sam to narrate it.
- If he does, I'll bet his bang isn't that big.
- I wonder if he'll get a sex scene... etc


styx said...

It would actually help if you tell us the link to digg. Then again, did you know that when you submit an article to digg you can select to automatically post it in your blog? No need to write about it again.

The problem is that people have to register with digg before "digging" and when I tried to convince my friends to digg me they complained about the registration :( as a result my stories were buried for ever and ever :(

styx said...

oh btw, the commments about comics, whedon etc etc. I must say that it was me who showed Gelareh a comic written by this whedon guy, and she actually read it :) I was actually surprised she knew all the characters because of the x-men videogame. I have made my girlfri... ahem wife, a step closer to geekness diva :-)

But I must also confess that this Whedon guy seems like a geek for lighthearted people. I think real geekiness should be more hardcore :). There are tons and tons of space westerns in anime... ever since Space Adventure Cobra (My favorite TV series when I was a kid) to the recent TV series Cowboy Bebop... I believe these two TV series should be better than Firefly. then again I guess I have to see Firefly to compare. But based on the acting I saw in Serenity I would say I don't have such high expectations!

A Fly on the Wall said...

The article was this one:

i know about the blogging - that's what i did with the costume story though i liked the pic so much i ended up putting it in as well. Oh and I just added a comment, not an article! :-)

About the comics, you know i am not too much of a fan of labels, so you can call it geek or light hearter geek or whatever. I only said I liked Whedon's work. And I don't think I mentioned anything about acting! it was the script that was hilarious, again complements of Mister Whedon.
The thing was Cowboy Beebop and the other ones are that they are not the funny of Firefly. I rmemeber some scenes and comments in Serenity which were hilarious. And no the acting was not great. But acting is just one facet of a movie.

styx said...

Omg, Cowboy Bebop has some of the funniest episodes ever seen on TV... Juan , do you remember the episode with the dog and the hacker? Do you remember its name? Or do you know how to find it?

About the comment on digg, that explains a lot!! I was trying to find your article and all I could see you had posted was some comments and stories dugged %-)

styx said...

I posted my own comment on your digg comment :) digg me digg me %-)

JuanMa/Juanito said...

WHAT?!?!?! Cowboy Beebop has some REALLY funny episodes. Every episode is a masterpiece. Watanabe, the director, is really good, I WANT TO SEE SAMURAI CHAMPLOO :(

The hacker was Ed, the smart dog is Ein. I'm not sure but I guess Stynky referes to the episode were they are stranded in a planet were Ed and Ein find only mushrooms to eat. She gets everyonelse to eat with funny consequences, and her adventures chasing the bounty (or was that another episode?) are so funny too.
The guy with the coffin.
How Ein walks when eating the mushroom.

It is just TOO GOOD.

That's it, I have to buy the series.

JuanMa/Juanito said...

Oh, and I can not see your article :( I could see comments on the Hawkins one, but not yours since it asks me to log in.

A Fly on the Wall said...

fine fine - I will:
(1) watch cowboy beebop
(2) the article is here. I only commented on it, nothing else. My handle is gadphly.
(3) I dug you alvaro :-D